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Luca Pasquini obtained his master diploma in Materials Science and Technologies at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in 2012.
He obtained a double PhD in “Condensed Matter and Nanosciences” and in “Chemistry” at Aix Marseille University and Rome Tor Vergata University in 2015. During the PhD he gained a financial sustain to mobility and congress from the Vinci Program 2013 (Franco-Italian University) and he was involved in chemistry teaching at Rome “Tor Vergata”.

LP was a CNRS post-doctorate at the Institute Charles Gerhardt (ICGM – AIME team) in Montpellier from March 2016 to August 2017. He obtained the qualification to section 33 (Chemistry of materials) and section 32 (Organic, mineral and industrial chemistry) in France in 2017. He obtained a permanent position as assistant professor (Maitre de Conferences) at Aix Marseille University (MADIREL laboratory) in September 2017.
His topics of research are the synthesis and characterization of new polymeric membranes for electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices (fuel cells, redox flow batteries), electrochemistry and electrospinning. During his career he participated to 3 European projects (LoliPEM, Volumetriq, Inspire) on these topics and he is currently a member of the International Associated Laboratory – Ionomer Materials for Energy and the communication responsible of the French Young Chemists’ Network of PACA region (RJ-SCF-PACA). He was in 2018-2019 the project coordinator of the CNRS exploratory project IMPEC and is currently (2019-2021) the project coordinator of the A*MIDEX project ENZIM-FC.
He is currently teaching general chemistry, thermodynamic, electrochemistry, materials for energy storage and conversion devices application and materials for medical application in Aix Marseille University.
LP was director of 3 master 1 thesis and he is currently (2020) director of a 2 master thesis. He is author of more than 20 publications in international journal and participated with oral presentation to several international congress (2 as invited speaker). He was a co-organizer of the congress “Journées Méditerranéennes de Jeunes Chercheurs” (JMJC) in the south of France in 2018 and 2019.

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