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Thermal degradation of SPEEK membranes is studied by coupling thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and mass spectrometry (MS). Main mass losses can be attributed to water evaporation, desulfonation and oxidative pyrolysis of polymer main chain. The analysis can be used to determine the degree of sulfonation (DS) and the degree of cross-linking (DCL) between macromolecular chains. Furthermore, the thermogravimetric curves can be modelled using non-isothermal chemical kinetics, allowing determination of activation energies during thermal degradation of SPEEK membranes.

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Published on: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2011, 92, 361-365
Authors: P. Knauth, H. Hou, E. Bloch, E. Sgreccia, M. L. Di Vona

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