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The last advances on the application of INCA (Ionomer Nc Analysis) methodology for a better understanding of perfluorinated ionomers are reported and discussed. It was found that INCA is a very suitable technique for the determination of the melting temperature (Tm) of un-crystallized and semi-crystalline perfluorinated ionomers. Furthermore, for these determinations, it is even more precise than dynamic mechanical analysis, a method essentially developed for polymers in which the water-uptake is negligible. Of interest, it is the information that INCA methodology gives on the phenomenon of the water-uptake memory of perfluorinated ionomers.

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Published on: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017, 42, 15908-15912

Authors: G. Alberti, R. Narducci, M. L. Di Vona, S. Giancola

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